Gluten Free Autumn Lemonade

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I just made up this recipe and it is so good! I know that lavender lemonade is all the rage with the delicious violet hues, but I really wanted to make a dye free lemonade that had more of an autumn vibe.

I can’t have cane sugar and finding sugar free lemonade is difficult without unhealthy additives. So I opted to go with organic coconut sugar because it has a low impact on the glycemic index.

I knew that naturally gluten free blueberries can be used to make a beautiful purple color in food, but when mixed with coconut sugar the outcome is a vibrant magenta autumn drink.


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Watch the video to follow the recipe


1 cup of organic coconut sugar
1 cup of water
1 small 6 oz package of fresh blueberries
8 lemons
More water to fill pitcher


  1. Add organic coconut sugar and water to a small saucepan on medium heat and stir.

  2. Juice lemons and set aside.

  3. Blend in blueberries and two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice.

  4. Bring blueberries and water to a boil, turn down heat and let simmer for 10 minutes.

  5. Use a spoon to mash blueberries. Remove from heat, and strain into a pitcher.

  6. Add lemon juice, fill with more water until pitcher is full. Stir and refrigerate.


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