Meditate Your Way to Wealth

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Meditation has been practiced by humans since 5,000 to 3,500 BCE, and there is a ton of modern proof that the practice helps alleviate a vast range of both physical, and mental ailments; this includes meditation for depression, anxiety, insomnia, and even meditation for aches and pains.

So, we know its good for us, but what exactly is it? Well, it’s quite simple, meditation is a quiet, relaxed state that happens when you turn off the television, the smart phone, and maybe even the lights, and just let your mind…be. Instead of focusing on the outside world, you go inward and think about nothing in particular.

Healing meditation occurs as soon as you stop worrying, and begin to understand the language of letting go. If you run into trouble when you first learn to meditate, you can use a guide to get you to where you want to be, as guided mindfulness meditation is a great teacher for stilling the mind.

But how does mindfulness meditation affect our wealth? For one, when we’re able to slow the mind, and let it chill, our bodies become calm which makes stress levels go down, especially when we focus on things like meditation for anxiety; this allows us to harness our creativity and become more efficient at work.

Better inspiration can lead to more exciting financial opportunities, and doing well with a job can lead to a raise or a promotion. And while there are many different types of meditation, setting the mind on “I Am” meditation exercises and guided meditation for wealth, will turn up your manifesting vibrations.


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But there is another thing that can happen when we’re in a meditative state: we have a choice to either remain focused on nothing, or begin envisioning a life of wealth and contentment.

When a person is constantly going around stating to the world that they are broke, and do not have all of the things that they want or need, the vibes of the universe picks up on those cues and returns back exactly that: all of the poverty and desire that holds you down.

It’s like a feedback loop where everything that goes out, comes back around. Imagine the same idea occurring during meditation, but with the opposite notion. Instead, you are sitting there with a clear mind, your heart rate and blood pressure are normal and relaxed.

You feel great…neither hot or cold. And you are imagining yourself living in a state of abundance and happiness. You see yourself never feeling broke or needing more. You are content with what you already have, and you envision a life of plenty. Then you recite phrases such as “I have enough” or “I am wealthy.”

Each time you do this, it allows for positive hypnosis and helps to convince your mind that you are indeed living this type of lifestyle, and it will get picked up by the energy of the universe. In return, you will start to notice abundant positive changes in your life; this method pairs the law of attraction with meditation so you will get double the benefit.

While it’s a good idea to sometimes just be…there are other times when you can use your meditation practices to effectively change your life.


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